Using Apple Pay for frequent transactions may make you wonder, “Is there an Apple Pay limit?”. You need to know the number of transactions you can make daily to plan your spending.
Yes, there is a limit to all Apple Pay transactions, from adding to the balance to sending, receiving, and transferring money.
There is also a limit on the Apple Cash balance, as you can’t have over $20,000 in your balance at a time. On Apple Pay, the minimum amount for transactions ranges between $1 and $3, and the maximum is $3,000 to $20,000.
This article will discuss the several limits of Apple Pay in different aspects. Ensure you read to the end, so you won’t miss any vital detail that may help your future transactions.
What You Should Know About Transaction Limits
Limits on transactions control how you send and receive money, usually daily. Some other platforms may give limits on a weekly and even monthly basis.

Many may find these limits frustrating, especially when you carry out numerous business deals. However, they are very helpful in most cases, especially when combating fraud. These limits help check account activity and restrict how fraudulent individuals make transfers at intervals.
Is There An Apple Pay Limit?
Apple Pay has its own transaction limits, like every digital transaction platform. These limits can be classified based on your action, be it depositing, withdrawing, or transferring. Below are the different limits on the platform:
Limits For Adding To Balance
You can’t add less than $10 when topping off your Apple Pay Cash card. You must add at least $10, even if you only plan to spend $5. Conversely, you are limited to a maximum of $10,000 in total deposits over 7 days. As a matter of fact, you can only make deposits of up to $3,000 at once.
Limits For Sending Or Receiving Money
The minimum amount for sending or receiving is $1, which shouldn’t be too much of a problem for most people. At maximum, you can only send or receive $3,000 at a time. You cannot send or receive more than $10,000 in a single week.

Limits For Transferring To Bank Account
The minimum amount for a bank account transfer is $1. However, you can send less than that if your account balance is lower at the transfer time. Every seven days, you can transfer a maximum of $20,000 and no more than $3,000 at a time.
Limits On Apple Cash Balance
You can only have a maximum of $20,000 on your Apple Pay Cash card at any time. Having that much money loaded requires you to have your identity verified.
With this post, I hope you don’t find this limit frustrating anymore. The Apple Pay limit is only there to guide your transaction and maintain smoothness on the platform.