Conforming To Accessibility Guidelines
At, our team of web developers has always been fully committed to making all aspects of the website as accessible as possible. Our goal has always been to make it as easy as possible for people with any type of disability to consume our content.
We constantly review changes in the W3 Content Accessibility Guidelines to ensure that we don’t unintentionally cause barriers for people with disabilities.
Better Accessibility Through Feedback
While the W3 Content Accessibility Guidelines provide a great framework for content websites to implement new accessibility features, nothing can replace real-world user experiences from our readers.
That’s why we have always been open to all feedback from visitors to our site who may rely on certain accessibility features.
If you have encountered any problem that makes using our website more difficult, please use the contact page to send us a message.
All we need is the URL of the page that is causing trouble and a quick description of the problem, and our development team will work on finding a solution.
Accessibility Features
To ensure that the The Small Business Times website is fully compliant, we constantly analyze new web pages for all accessibility features provided by phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers.
We ensure that all of these features comply with accessibility standards and recommendations:
- Labels on static and dynamic input forms
- Keyboard and mouse accessibility integration
- Color contrast
- Easy text zoom features
- Descriptive video and image captions
- Closed captions on videos
- Easy to understand link descriptions
- Easy to view and navigate menus and forms
- Clear HTML heading structure for text content
Continuous Accessibility Assessments
Our development team has created a robust quality assurance process to ensure that all web pages comply with accessibility standards. This involves both manual and automated testing, including reviews by people with different types of disabilities.
As technology changes quickly for accessibility features, we constantly review those new technologies to ensure that we work towards a more inclusive website for all of our readers.
If anything has been missed please contact us and we will try our best to resolve it as soon as possible.