The Small Business Times

A Comprehensive Guide To Starting Your Writing Career

Embarking on a writing journey often begins with the simple yet profound step of understanding how to start writing.

Writing is not just an art; it’s a craft that can be honed with patience and practice. The path of a writer is as rewarding as it is demanding, whether you dream of spinning fantastical tales or crafting compelling articles.

Before diving into this rich tapestry, let’s take a closer look at the benefits and challenges of freelance writing, including a practical to-do list to help turn your writing aspirations into reality.

The Benefits Of Freelance Writing


Freelancing allows you to set your own schedule. This is especially important for students and working parents. 


Freelancers have the freedom to choose the projects that interest them and turn down ones that don’t. There is no one else in charge of your career other than you.

Income Potential

There’s no cap on how much you can earn. The more you work and the more skilled you become, the higher your potential earnings.

Location Independence

You can work from anywhere in the world as long as you have a computer and internet access. This gives you the freedom to hit the road while maintaining a regular income.

The Challenges Of Freelance Writing

Irregular Income

Unlike a traditional 9-to-5 job, freelancing can have an unpredictable income stream, especially when starting out.

You may need to take some beginner-level jobs to build up your portfolio, after which you can start increasing your rates.

Depending on the type of writing you are doing, your services can be seasonally influenced

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With no one to hold you accountable, managing your time and staying productive can be challenging.

It’s important to keep a regular schedule and focus on organization and consistency to stay productive.

Benefits And Security

Freelancers like health insurance or retirement plans don’t have the same benefits as full-time employees and must arrange these independently.


Working alone can sometimes lead to isolation or disconnect from a community or team.

For those that are switching from an office environment to working remotely, the work environment can feel lonely at first; making networking and socializing crucial to your long-term success.

Finding Clients

Sourcing clients and maintaining a steady workflow requires continuous effort and can be quite competitive.


You are your own brand, and learning to market yourself effectively is essential but can be uncomfortable or challenging for many.

To-Do List To Get Started

Educate Yourself

Learn the basics of good writing, including grammar, style, and structure. Online courses, webinars, and writing workshops can be excellent resources.

Read Widely

Consume diverse content to understand different writing styles, voices, and genres. This will also help you identify where your interests lie.

Start Writing

Begin with a blog, journal, or small project. Practice is key; these platforms offer a low-pressure way to get your words out.

Build A Portfolio

Create a collection of your best work to showcase your skills to potential clients. Include a variety of pieces to show your range.

Set Up A Workspace

Have a dedicated writing space that is comfortable and free of distractions. It’s important to separate your workspace from the rest of your home to help get you in a productive mindset. 

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Connect with other writers and industry professionals. Social media, writing forums, and local meetups are good places to start.

Learn To Pitch

Whether to magazines, websites, or private clients, learn how to propose your writing effectively.

Self-promotion can be difficult, so investing some time in practice and training through YouTube videos or a mentor can be helpful.

Set Goals

Define clear, achievable goals for your writing career, both short-term and long-term.

Handle Rejection

Be prepared for rejections and use them as learning experiences to improve your pitches and writing. Keep an open mind about your requested edits and critiques; these suggestions can help to improve your writing skills.

Stay Organized

Keep track of your projects, deadlines, and finances. Being meticulous with details ensures professionalism and reduces stress.

Write More

To become a good writer with a distinct voice, you need to practice your skills continually. Use daily writing prompts found online, set up a writing idea calendar, and always have a notebook nearby to jot down all of your story ideas. 

A journey down the writing path is a journey of constant learning and personal growth.

The landscape of freelance writing is dynamic and ever-evolving, but you can carve out a successful niche with the right tools and mindset.

Whether your passion lies in creating elaborate fictional worlds or producing succinct, informative content, there’s a place for your unique voice.