The Small Business Times

How To Generate Images With AI

Until fairly recently, if you wanted to create an image, you had to draw it or use photo editing software. As a result of technological innovations and the development of new technologies, it is now possible to generate images thanks to Artificial Intelligence.

It is a much talked-about novelty on the web, especially among graphics professionals, who can use AI image generators to give their creativity an extra boost: it takes very little to turn a thought into an image.

What is quite clear, however, is that artificial intelligence tools specialised in image creation have great potential and are certainly expected to change the world of graphics.

AI-generated Images: How They Work

An AI image generator works with a database in which different types of images are stored. It is on the basis of this information that, once the user types in a text, called prompt to recall the computer science terminology, this innovative tool runs a process and creates a new image. 

The prompt is nothing more than a textual description that the user enters for the AI tool to bring the image to life. 

Thanks to this artificial intelligence tool, it is practically possible to convert thoughts into images: just a few clicks on the keyboard are enough to create stunning original creations.If you want to try generating an image with this innovative method, you can use this innovative AI image generator CF Spark Art. 

Although modern AI generator take few minutes to create your image, you can further shorten the waiting time through the subscription to CF Spark; in this way you will receive some “speed credits” to skip the queue and quickly have your image ready.

As a matter of fact, you can use an AI generator to create frames, greetings cards, stickers, posters, or you can just go at the core of this tool and have fun watching your fantasy spark into life.

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Generate Your First Image With AI

You will certainly be curious to know how you can generate images with these artificial intelligence tools. The first thing to do is to pick up a site that offers this service. 

In any case, the first thing you will be asked to do to generate an image is to type in a text string. All you have to do is figure out a few words, just as if you were doing a Google search.

This will be your prompt. Try something simple for starting, such as flowers, pets or the name of your favorite superhero. At this point, you can copy the command to the clipboard and paste it into the image generator. 

On the majority of AI image generator websites, all you have to do is press a key to start the command and, in a few moments, you will have access to a wide range of images according to your instructions.

The creative process is not over and, in fact, you can choose from several variations of the same pics, modifying its size and resolution. If you want to refine your search, you can enter additional keywords in the prompt.

When your creation is ready, the AI image generation tools allow you to download the file, either from your notebook or mobile phone.

Usually, AI image generators are not free, but most of them offer a trial: anyway, you can buy a certain amount of time or a number of prompts. 

AI Image Generators, What About The Law

The innovations brought about by AI image generators cannot avoid raising questions about the legal issues related to the content created with these tools. Indeed, it is natural thinking to wonder who has the intellectual property of the AI images.

For example, in America, the US Copyright Office has not granted a request to register copyright for AI-generated art because the human element is missing. At least, according to this interpretation, it would therefore seem that art generated in this way is free, without owners.

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Although it is clear that copyright requires the presence of a human component, AI users must be careful about using images if they are derived from other projects. 

Updating the laws on products made with artificial intelligence requires a certain urgency, not least to protect the work of the many creatives who use these tools for their work.

Images With AI: What The Future Will Be 

It seems almost normal to wonder about the future of these intelligent image generation tools and, of course, also how these technologies will impact the art world and the work of graphic designers.

Most probably, the combination of artificial and human intelligence will lead to better and more efficient solutions: for example, an artist will be able to do his research by means of suggestions and then modify certain details to create unique creations. 

Furthermore, it seems easy to imagine that the same system could also be used for video creation. 

However, thanks to these innovative tools, graphic designers will also be helped to speed up and make their work more efficient. For example, using a prompt, they will be able to start searching for a specific image and then edit just a few details or draw inspiration for their creations.

How the future will be for graphic designer and artists with these intelligent tools? No worries: the Industrial Revolution teaches that machines do not replace the human intellect, but can be useful tools to take it to a higher level.