The Small Business Times

How Resignation Has Changed The Working Nation

The ‘Great Resignation’ refers to the tendency of people to quit or change employment or consider doing so soon, which is mainly ascribed to work and life changes brought about by the Covid-19 epidemic.

The pandemic had a substantial detrimental influence on the employment market in most nations and industries, causing insecurity for many businesses and organizations as well as the self-employed.

However, it also provided an opportunity for people to assess their job satisfaction.

Everyday life is packed with opportunities for self-reflection. We begin in childhood and continue throughout life as it is how we learn and grow.

It is increasingly being used as a great learning tool in school. However, as we enter maturity, the act of self-reflection is typically overlooked, at least until recently. 

There is a minor distinction between self-reflection and self-evaluation in the workplace, but the concepts are the same – it’s all about growth.

While self-reflection in everyday life seeks insight into one’s behavior and ideals to grow personally, self-evaluation at work is used to examine one’s performance to better it.

This could be in the form of completing an online MBA degree, such as the one offered by Aston University, which includes a personal and professional development program based on the most current thinking in behavioral science to offer you a competitive advantage. But what has triggered all of this?

Reasons Behind The Great Resignation 

During the COVID-19 epidemic, so-called “essential workers” were underpaid and overworked by their employers, many of whom were not inclined to reward the substantial risks employees were taking with anything more than lip service for keeping critical services available to the public.

Essential workers were frequently recognized as heroes, but few earned the hazard pay expected with such labor.

As a result, many frontline workers felt like throwaway cogs in an uncaring machine.

As more jobs became available in late 2020 and early 2021, they quit in record numbers from the grocery, hotel, retail and restaurant industries.

However, by examining the total employment data over the last 12 years, it becomes clear that we are not experiencing short-term volatility caused by Covid-19 but rather the continuation of a trend that started some time ago.

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Five reasons have conspired to produce the changes we are witnessing in today’s labor market, which the epidemic has worsened.

These include reconsideration, relocation, hesitation, retirement and reshuffling. 

For example, employees are beginning to retire in more significant numbers but not relocating in huge amounts; they are rethinking their work-life balance; they are making localized industry switches or reshuffling instead of leaving the workforce market completely; and, due to Covid-19 fears, they are reluctant to return to in-person positions. But what does this mean for the future of employment?

The Future Of Employment

According to a new poll conducted by US management consultants McKinsey, the Great Resignation isn’t going away anytime soon.

They discovered that 40% of people polled in six nations are dissatisfied with their jobs and are considering leaving soon.

That equates to two out of every five employees considering leaving within the next three to six months.

Of the six countries polled, India came out on top, with 66% wanting to quit their work.

According to the poll, it’s not simply more pay that’s driving the global uptick.

A lack of opportunities for advancement was cited as the primary cause for 41% of job resignations in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, India and Singapore.

So, what can employers do moving forward to buck this trend?

Bucking The Trend

So, we looked at why more people are quitting. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to protect your company against the effects of the Great Resignation.

Here are a handful of our best recommendations:

Remote Working

For many employees, the previous 16 months showed that they did not need to be in the workplace to be effective.

While some miss the opportunity to socialize in person and are ready to return to the actual office, others have no intention of returning – at least not permanently. 

According to one survey, 39% of respondents would consider resigning if their employer was not accommodating to remote work.

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That proportion is much higher among millennials and Generation Z, at 49%.

To stay ahead of this, some employers are telling employees that they will not be required to return to the workplace if they do not wish to.

Development Opportunities

Millennial and Generation Z candidates are often eager to learn about the growth, learning and development opportunities that will be accessible if they are recruited.

Companies that describe team member growth opportunities throughout the recruitment process tend to attract more applicants.

Employers should promote clear career paths and train employees to succeed and grow professionally.


Organizations must foster a caring culture. Managers’ empathy and understanding will go a long way towards enhancing team productivity.

Companies can establish guidelines for what is desirable for the business and work together to identify how to best satisfy the organization’s criteria while supporting employees’ demand for flexibility.

There is a need for an open-door policy that encourages employees to connect directly with their department heads and the CEO, in addition to their line managers.


Money is one of the leading causes behind the Great Resignation.

Employees are departing their jobs and looking for new possibilities that provide hiring bonuses and wage increases rather than staying where they are and doing the same job for less.

Offering competitive compensation can pay dividends rather than damaging your bottom line.

In addition, if you can attract and keep skilled personnel, they can have a significant and beneficial impact on your company’s future.

Final Thoughts

Everyone who departed their position is now a part of the next big boom, The Great Rehire, which aims to fill all employment shortages.

Businesses are searching for qualified candidates to fill open roles as job openings reach all-time highs.

The Great Resignation began with employees desiring control over their work.

Now, with this next phase, recruiters should approach job postings differently than before Covid-19.

Candidates want to maintain control and will prioritize purpose and fulfilment in their employment. They will favor businesses that help both local and global society.