The Small Business Times

4 Tricky Things Small Business Owners Need to Find

Small business owners are experts at finding things. They know how to discover potential problems their customers have, often before the customer themselves know they need help. These experts can also seek out creative solutions to problems, like a lack of funding or a supple chain issue.

However, some things are trickier to track down than others. As you progress in your journey as the owner of a small company, you’ll find some searches require more of your time and focus.

Finding a purpose for your business is much harder than tracking down an accountant. To make sure you’re prepared for some of the biggest and most challenging quests you’ll go on when you launch your small company, here are some of the trickiest things you’ll need to be prepared to find from day one.

The Right Audience

Notably, we’re not just referring to any audience here. As a business leader, it’s easy to simply say you’ll be happy to accept any customer that comes your way. However, the reality is that most customers aren’t going to stumble across you. You’ll need to have a strategy for seeking out the customer most suited to your brand.

Finding customers means creating marketing and sales strategies that make people want to buy from you. The broader your vision of the ideal audience is, the more digital marketing mistakes you will make and the more you’re going to spend on these promotional strategies.

With that in mind, take the time to figure out who your customer is going to be. Ask yourself who your service or product is most likely to appeal to you, and build a persona you can target with every marketing message.

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A lot of would-be business owners start their venture into the entrepreneur world with the simple desire to be their own boss and make a little money. While there’s nothing wrong with wanting these things, you’ll also need a much more significant vision and purpose if you want to achieve your goals.

Having a purpose, or a mission statement for what you want to achieve with your company, can help to keep you motivated during times when you might be tempted to give up. Sit down and think about what your company can do for your customers better than anyone else. How are you making the world a better place, even if it’s just making life a little simpler for some people? Having a clear vision will save you a lot of headaches in the long-term.


Probably the toughest thing you’ll need to track down of all when you start your company, is access to a reliable source of funding. While you might have a little cash of your own to get you started to begin with, you’ll need to think carefully about how you’re going to get your organization off the ground.

While investors and giving up equity might be an option for some, it’s not right for everyone. If you’re planning on taking the business loans route, make sure you know what your options are.

Some companies specifically offer loans for smaller companies who might struggle to find the support they need from other banks and funding providers. These companies can also offer extra assistance in the form of community support and guidance. Just as you would shop around for a good supplier, or the right insurance, look everywhere for the right loan.

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As a small company, you might feel like you’re tackling most of the aspects of running your company on your own. A lot of small ventures start off with just one person calling all of the shots, and there’s nothing wrong with taking this approach if it works for you.

However, just because you’re a solo entrepreneur, doesn’t mean you have to do everything on your own. Finding support can be one of the most valuable things you do during the early stages of building your business. For some leaders, this could mean looking for a mentor who can offer guidance and extra insights for you as you work on bringing your business to life.

For others, it might mean joining industry community forums, or working with family and friends to develop a sense of mental grit and resiliency. Your support network can include as many or as few people as you need. Just don’t force yourself to go it alone. If you can find these four things when you’re starting your business or bringing your new venture to life, you’ll instantly be in a better position to set yourself up for success. Good look tracking down the essential components of your new company.